Monday, November 14, 2011

Lights Out....Again

All the street lights that surround Enslen Park are out.  As I mentioned last week, all the wiring was stripped out.  The city repaired the light at Poplar and Stoddard, and it is out again! Other than the one security light, the park is completely dark.  Oh for some park patrol! Unfortunately, the police patrol and the neighborhood patrol is still not enough.

I thought a Save Mart store opened at the park on Sunday with all the "shoppers" at the park.  There were so many shopping carts at the park with their handlers.  Tickets should be written with those who have shopping carts more than a 1/2 mile from the store.  Shopping carts are just like graffiti to a neighborhood, a complete eyesore mess.  On a brighter note, I did see a stroller yesterday that actually had a child in it!

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