Monday, August 20, 2012

The Apocalypse?

In chatting with Councilman Lopez during our kickball event at Enslen Park, the councilman asked "Haven't seen any posts recently". Well, true, as noted earlier issues have subsided at Enslen Park.  I believe I have given credit in previous posts to the MPD and Rank Security.

However that does not mean that the traffic at Enslen Park has subsided.  Those who lounge around at the park ARE law abiding, for the most part.  Even our regulars, Monique and her beau have behaved.  Maybe that is what pregnancy does to someone.  Yes, Monique is pregnant.  Wonderful.   Not sure that is good news or bad news.  Good that she may be away from the park in about, oh, 3 months or so.  Bad, meaning that is just sad and typical.  Hopefully she can receive the medical attention that she will need.

Recently however, it just seems like the Apocalypse has hit the park.  This is especially true in the early mornings. It looks like "death" with all the sleeping bags and trailers spewn about the park.  Those who are up and about (in and about town, not just specific at Enslen Park) could make a movie, "Zombieland 2".  NOBODY looks like they have their wits about them.  It is sad as it seems so many are mentally ill just wandering around in a state of dillusion.  We need the "Happy Van" to go around town in the mornings and pick these people up and and make them aware of services they need.  Maybe they are already receiving them, just not sure.

Kickball Madness! « Good Day Sacramento

Keeping the parks clean even at 7am on a Sunday morning!

Kickball Madness! « Good Day Sacramento