Saturday, December 31, 2011


We are accustomed to homeless hanging out at the parks.  However, this is totally unacceptable!  To set up camp, or a shelter?

Even more frustrating

So I personally saw two teenage punks marking up one of these picnic benches at Enslen Park.  I saw them with the markers.  I called "authorities" as I followed these clowns in my car as they crossed the canal at the Dog Park, and then down Enslen to Fairmont until they eventually wandered to McHenry.  Because of "miscommunications" between dispatch the authorities never came.  I was assured that there were "errors" made, and it will be a learning experience.  Nonetheless, it was very frustrating as I had them!  I have asked "Uncle Tom" to paint over all the picnic tables with our paint, but he informed me that it should be just washed off as these tables have that seal on it.  So, not sure if the city will take care of this, or we should just paint them? Any ideas on this?

When the city shuts down

We all know there is very little work done during the holidays when the city is shut down for what seems like an eternity.  Here is an example of the packages that Enslen park gets during these times.  There was an event on Christmas Eve afternoon where packages or meals were handed out to the unfortunate at the Boy Scout Club.  Whatever organization put this on felt it was warranted to leave boxes upon boxes of clothes out on a picnic bench for the homeless and vagrants to sift through.  These clothes were strewn out all over the park.  Fortunately, someone in the evening had the foresight to put it in the trash after it was all sifted through.  The garbage cans have been like this throughout the week.  

Beautify Modesto

Is there anything the city can do about blight?  This is just one of many graffiti covered buildings.  I ask city leaders what the plan is, if any? The old Longs building on McHenry is also a piece of work.  Side note here, I was told that the market behind this building on Alice and McHenry was robbed this same evening.  That little store is shady, so it was probably and inside deal or drug deal gone wrong.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Just saw this posted by a facebook friend of mine:

Just saw a vehicle on Virginia and Morris drivers rear window broken out, smash and grab! Be careful with stuff in your vehicles!

No surprise. This area, along with many areas I guess is just crawling with thieves, thugs, and vagrants.  Not sure entirely what happened but I will find out.  It is a daily ritual to see vagrants just walking with no agenda just checking out houses and cars.  It is so obvious it is maddening.