Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Homeless Stealing food

So my son was just at the "Green Store" at Morris and Sycamore when a homeless guy stole some canned food.  The owner, Mona, caught him, but nothing she could do as he left.  My son said it was so obvious, and he did not deny it.  My son came home, and the dude was sitting at the park bench and he explained to me what happened.  I called "Sonny" the owner, and he was not there but was aware.  He said, there "is nothing we can do other than ban him from the store.  The police will not respond".  That is the gist of the conversation as Sonny's english is not the best, bless his heart.  I think what I inferred from the conversation is that instead of pressing charges, it is just easier to ban the guy from the store because there could be retribution. Sad.  All the meals in the city offered to him and all the bag lunches available he had to resort to blatant theft.  Maybe it was just dog food for his dog, who knows.  The beat goes on.................

Monday, November 14, 2011

Lights Out....Again

All the street lights that surround Enslen Park are out.  As I mentioned last week, all the wiring was stripped out.  The city repaired the light at Poplar and Stoddard, and it is out again! Other than the one security light, the park is completely dark.  Oh for some park patrol! Unfortunately, the police patrol and the neighborhood patrol is still not enough.

I thought a Save Mart store opened at the park on Sunday with all the "shoppers" at the park.  There were so many shopping carts at the park with their handlers.  Tickets should be written with those who have shopping carts more than a 1/2 mile from the store.  Shopping carts are just like graffiti to a neighborhood, a complete eyesore mess.  On a brighter note, I did see a stroller yesterday that actually had a child in it!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Water Wells in the Parks?

So the city is entering a contract for water wells to be installed in 5 city parks at the cost of $500k.  In chatting with Todd Aaronson, who is running for city council, District 3, he let me in on this nugget of information.

We both agree that what is the use of having greener parks if nobody wants to go to them? Could the city instead use that money towards commercial paint that is washable to remove graffiti? It is expensive, but you paint it on, and the graffiti comes off easier.  Taggers hate it. Or to pay for new lighting since all the wiring is getting stolen; repairing the restrooms; or paying for security patrols (community service officers) of the parks.

I do not entirely understand why the water wells are needed.  I am just going off what others are telling me.  I have not researched it.  I was emailed (not from a candidate) that water wells are important for the park.  "They are wells that will use water that is not up to State of Calif standards for drinking water which will free up the better water for drinking.  In the long run it will save the city on not having to drill deeper more expensive wells for drinking to meet the standards."  I don't understand the first part, to use the water that is not up to state of Calif standards for drinking water......I am thinking that what was meant, to get RID of the water that is not drinkable, for USABLE drinking water, maybe?

Todd Aaronson says it will only save $11,000 a year.  Taking care of the park maintenance with this $500k would save the city more in the long run from vandalism.  That is what Mr. Aaronson is saying, I am agreeing to.

If my or others' facts are wrong, then it is my fault for not researching it.  I just started this blog because my concerns are the safety and well being of the parks.  I did not want to branch out to water wells, but it all does go together.  Fix the park issues first, then keep them green or make the drinking water better.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Lights Out!

So I emailed the city that our street light at Enslen Park has been out.  Just chatted with city worker just now and ALL the lights surrounding the park are out.  All were broken into and the wiring stripped! This includes the horseshoe pit. Shocker.  The beat goes on.

We paint the graffiti at the parks, we have volunteered to open the restrooms.  I have offered suggestions.  Still waiting to hear from the city that about more paint that we need and getting the keys to the Enslen and Graceada parks restrooms.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Modesto - "Graffiti Town, USA"

Obviously I am not talking about George Lucas and Wolfman Jack and our heritage of the throwback "American Graffiti" era that we relive here in Modesto.  Is it me, or is every utility box, light pole, fence post, wall, business, street sign, canal bank and whatever else standing have graffiti on it? Pictured is the women's bathroom at Enslen Park.  My brother in law has paint and often paints over any graffiti at the park.  He just painted over some in the women's bathroom last week which was tagged shortly after.  Looks like the city tried washing the black graffiti off only to be re-tagged with white paint as seen in the photos.  They are not gang taggings, just some board punks.  The other photo is a tagging at the tennis courts at Graceada.  As I type, Uncle Tom is painting over them.

My question is, is that there are city employees in the park every morning.  They can't paint over this graffiti?  Do they not have paint in their trucks?  I know the graffiti abatement the city had is no longer budgeted for, but is it NOT in the job description of these city employees to simply paint over it?  If they are driving around, can they take 2 minutes to remove a tag?

I am trying to keep it together fellow Modesto residents, but this town is becoming a s**t hole! As we get closer to election time, I stress to the new power to be's that somehow we take care of the graffiti (amongst other issues).  My brother-in-law paints over it at Enslen and Graceada as the city provides us with the paint.  I am sure if he were paid for his efforts, he and other "vagrants" would provide the service for half the pay.  It would be half volunteer, and half "give the dog a bone"!  Uncle Tom is a recycler and if it were not for myself and my wife, he would be one of the vagrants in the park.  He has some pull, and could get the use of a few other park locals to do this.  These "graffiti angels" would be scouring the city similar to their efforts in all the recycling (legal of course) that they do in getting paid per tag removal.