Monday, June 2, 2008

Oh my God: Beatings at the Park

Woke up this morning to see patrol cars all over the place. The police are not giving me all the facts as I was interested in what was happening. My Brother in Law said that a guy was beat up pretty bad early Monday morning and left for dead in the Enslen Park bathroom. A few moments later, there was another assault on possibly a homeless man at Graceada Park and he is in real bad shape.

My BIL thinks that there are some homeless bashers that are praying on the homeless by robbing them and beating them. There has been some witnesses. The homeless are wary of a silver compact car in the area that throwing stuff out the window that started with balloons and are now rocks.

So we have to be aware. This is some of the problems we encounter at our parks. As much as I hate the homeless in the park, it is not fair that these atrocities are happening to them. I will be back with more information.

1 comment:

jeff phillips said...

Wow. That is not cool that someone is preying on the homeless. I really appreciate your reporting and care for the issue. Keep up the good work.