Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ugh, Really?

So Monique and her beau are back.  After a little "hibernation" in jail, (I was told, not too sure), Monique is back at Enslen Park.  And as accustomed to her routine, she gets a "look out" as she goes in the bathroom to do her drugs.  She has some lackey to watch out, and this "lackey" is a dude that told police where she probably was the day she beat up on a 14 year old, and then he goes and warns her! She is done, and "lackey" get a pat on the back. Her stay at the park is minimal as she is too wired to stick around, and there is nobody at the park to start drama with. On to Graceada Park most likely.

1 comment:


Yeah, probably to the Bowl.

That's a nice little post there - very descriptive, the way that drugs will have people make erratic decisions.

I was bringing the garbage can in at the back of my office yesterday, and I saw to my right that a guy that certainly looked homeless enough, was adjusting something within this cardboard box that was sitting on it's side.

The box is sitting next to an old chair that anyone with any hygenic sensibilities would call poison control at the very least before attempting to move the decrepit furniture (if you could even call it that and it's pea-soup green to boot). The remains of Pete's Bicycle shop that was moved out onto front street on Yosemite just a week or so ago.

I briskly walked over to the chair and the box to inspect further just what there might be found that could possibly hold one's non-pschopathic tendency to adjust in some way - and low and behold - a pan of catfood (dry - about 2 bucks worth) and a bowl of fresh water.

The adjuster was standing behind me at this point, so I turned to him and SHOUTED AS THOUGH I WERE GOING TO KNOCK HIM INTO NEXT WEEK, "Hey, your feeding cats here?! We don't have any cats here! You need to take this with you or I'm going to throw it away!" and then I paused and gave him a chance to think about the options I offered him. "This is private property, you need to stay away from this building."

And of course, he smelled like a still and we went back and forth over what rights he actually had to feed (lure) cats on private property without owner consent.

A big F-You is what I got as the rolling garage door descended and I squatted all the way down with it, making sure that he could see me clearly wave too-da-loo. This of course, after I threw away his cat food.

Within the hour, an MPD police officer came into my office to speak to me about the incident.

The officer said. "Well, he said when I took the report, that you were aggressive. I asked him what you said and he said, 'He said I can't feed feral cats in the back of his building.' And so I asked him, why don't you feed them at your house, and he said, I do. He's not homeless. He has a house in La Loma. Or at least he has an address.

We have no cats here - not in the back of my office building.

Robert Stanford