Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ode to Monique....hopefully

As you have seen from my recent posts there has been a constant theme that being of altercations and "Monique" being the culprit. Well on Saturday morning we witnessed an appalling event that took place where Monique just started whooping up on some 14 year old girl! Monique was fighting with her boyfriend, again, and this young girl and her sister happened to be walking by. Monique said something to them and they just started to defend themselves verbally. It was on. Monique just started whooping up on the one girl! You can hear the girl scream "I'm only 14! I'm only 14!" we called the police and monique and her beau took off. The police arrived and could not find them. Long story short, the girls did not press charges (which I questioned) and Monique showed back up 45 minutes later. The girls ended up taking Moniques two dogs because the officer said they are abandoned property, probably meaning well but that did not turn out so well. Another dude in the park told Monique where the girls lived and there ended up being another confretation over the dogs and this time the mother was swinging. Police were called for a third time. Monique was nit arrested but I hope was given a stern warning about not coming back to the park again by the officer. He had promised me that Monique would be dealt with. Half
Of the vagrancy problems at Enslen Park anyways has to do with Monique and her boyfriend. Eliminate that issue and things could get better.

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