Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Idle time creates incident

Just witnessed a near fight at Enslen Park. It has been relatively quiet over there recently. The drinkers go to Graceada now as Enslen has turned into the "chill" park. An 18-hour chill, but a chill nonetheless. Just a few moments ago however, a dude, "Jerry" was telling this young thug that he stole his "old ladies bike", and the young thug said "Well its mine now, and now I am going to kick your ass" as he and his band of young thugs chased Jerry off. If I was not witnessing it then it would have been down.

Idle time on a hot day breeds issues. Only Jerry was probably the homeless dude of the bunch, the others are just young, punk thugs that hang out and intimidate, period.

Again, I recommend a "Park Patrol", with an unarmed officer there to just patrol the parks. Other cities do this. CANA has it's security patrol that it is working on, and an update should be coming, so that could do as long as the security officer patrols the park.



I'm not terribly sure about the armed patrols - especially since our local pd could exert a presence without even having to really get out of the car much - should recruit some stars staff or other senior volunteers with backup on hand.

These incidences are only constant at this time because there is no enforcement to begin with. I have demonstrated that somewhat in the Airport Business District above the Mission - there are problems - but not constantly, because I have a presence there.

And I have police that have never arrived more then 3 or 4 min. late - sometimes I don't even have to call.

To concentrate on the episodes through an exertion of "presence" with severely cut down on this sort of thing without having to have a constant patrol.

Stanford - He's got some ideas for you

Unknown said...

Absolutely. A presence is needed! Some kind of presence. Whomever it is would simply "babysit" the corrupt. Even go as far as getting to know the regulars personally. "now now" sort of thing. A Park patrol, CANA security, volunteers, whatever armed or not. The police cannot do it. Constant pressure will make the homeless nervous, but they will not leave. What we need to leave are the vagrants and young thugs. I can deal with a few homeless hanging around, because for the most part, THEY (homeless) are not the problem.

Anonymous said...

Why cant we turn on the water more often, this would keep people from overstaying their welcome