Sunday, February 19, 2012


It has been pretty quiet at Enslen Park.  Maybe this is due to the closed restrooms, or maybe it is because of the area patrol or the police.  Could be because of the apathy from the Graceada park area residents as most of the vagrancy has gone there.

What better way to disrupt this quietness than a good ole park feeding! Lets just drop off some free sack lunches in a box and let them fight over it!  A food fight slinging food and fists.  Man vs. Woman.  "F" bombs all up and down this place.  Never mind the teenagers playing volleyball, they will step aside.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We recently met you at a CANA meeting. We just moved on to Sycamore across from the park and intend to be the squeaky wheel there. Can you give us some advise on what sorts of behavior is reportable to MPD that they will act on vs. stuff we would rather not see but they can't do anything about (ie groups of tatted up teens loitering and probably up to no good or guy with his stuff in a shopping cart having lunch. Guessing these are not crimes so not actionable despite being worrisome when playing at the park with my 4 year old) glad you have been able to have an impact on Enslen park, let's hope the same can be done for Graceda :)