Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Neighborhood Associations not so bad, right?

Nice to read about the cohesiveness with the LaLoma neighborhood association being able to work together with the Modesto Gospel mission in dealing with homeless issues. I believe it should be a model for future park issues. Model, maybe not yet, but it is getting there. What I have learned about neighborhood associations, is that you have to have a passion, a need, a desire to WANT to get things done.

I think that at times folks want to do their philanthropic duty, but their "issues" are few. Maybe it is politically inclined. Duh. I mean, for some who live in nice homes in nice areas, if a homeless person, or vagrant comes by and goes through their trash, the homeowner feels "violated". Now the world is coming to and end. "OMG, did you see that "thing" going in my trash"? "Lets get a neighborhood watch NOW because that isn't right!"

Well my home is falling apart, has no equity and my porch is sinking. Oh, and I live across the street from Enslen Park, and at times it has REAL vagrant issues. That is why I am passionate about getting things done, and not just "talk".

I have tried for many years to get neighborhood watches, or some community involvement, or attend neighborhood alliances, associations, etc. but people just complain and eventually do nothing and we go back to square one. A watch, association, or alliance or whatever needs ONE leader, not assumptions of who is "leading". Have a great day!

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