Monday, January 17, 2011

Hotel Enslen: College Area Neighborhood Association

Hotel Enslen: College Area Neighborhood Association



Carmen Sabatino has much to say about this posting.

Anonymous said...

Oh. Robert as much as I don't want to get in politics, I guess it just happens eh! Good listen, but I think they were way off base on my comments. They need to read the recent posts.

Darin Wissner said...

Woops, that was from me btw


You left a good reply. Only by respecting not only your views, but you actual experience will we be able to meet halfway to come up with solutions for everyone.

I just picked up my application today.

Some people have to be dealt with.

Unknown said...

I hope you get on the board. Being that you are in Carmen's corner, it would be good for the committee. I guess it is whether or not Murritore has you in. Carmen needs to know that of course, if it doesnt affect him, how would he know? He doesn't have issues with the homeless and vagrancy.