Saturday, December 20, 2008

Park Handouts

Reading the Modesto Bee yesterday, 12/19, I noticed the article where "do gooders" are making things better for the homeless by providing them blankets and stuff.  "We look for the homeless in and around Modesto like downtown and Graceada Park."  (In similar terms).  So, now we are the starting point for the homeless here at Graceada and Enslen Parks.  WHEN THE DO-GOODERS START AT THOSE parks, we have an issue.  The issue is, these parks are now known to house the homeless.  The other issue is the fact that these people who are only looking to help out come to the park with these goodies.   It only enables the homeless to stay when all these goods and services are brought to them.  But of course these Do-Gooders and church groups do not LIVE in this neighborhood, so they do not GET it.  "It's not in OUR neighborhood".  If you want to provide goods and services, then get a damn "Happy Bus" or something and pick up all the homeless and take them for a ride to go GET THE blankets and free meals.  What about taking these blankets to the shelters?  These folks in Enslen Park are WANTING to be there!  They do not want to GO home.  These people have a home but it is their CHOICE to be "homeless".  They are "Renting" the park, hence, "Hotel Enslen." I have talked with them!  Take those blankets and meals to TRULY homeless folks in the shelters.  It is NOT those folks choice to be homeless.  

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