Monday, April 22, 2013

No Vacancy!

All corners of the park are reserved. Geez-us.  As quoted by Rank Security Officer, John, "Enslen Park is a mess!", or "Under Siege".

THUMP, THUMP, THUMP, is this mic on?  Hello?

What about ticketing bike trailors? How about issuing fines for sleeping? I am not talking about the occasional nodding off of a dad as his child plays.  I assume there still are kids playing at the Southern quadrant of Graceada Park while the North side is reserved for blankets, naps, trailors and recycling.

Wow, tough crowd.

Give our patrol that us neighbors pay for the ability to scatter these vagrants, or at least being able to ask if they utilize services.  If they actually use services, then they get a pass.

Pretty sure that if any of you dignitaries lived across the street from this it would be taken care of.  Problem solved.

Excuse me Mr. Mayor, but F**K Salida.  Let that one go. Sorry, I rarely cuss on this site, but annexing Salida means "More industry and jobs" to the area.  Who wants to LIVE here when this is what they see on the streets and parks?  Get tough and take care of this issue first! Lets get a positve vibe in Modesto before we ask others to move here.

Don't forget to tip your wait staff, and if you would, feel free to fill out a COMMENT card on your way out.

(BTW, the lady in red wandered in circles on my lawn before a voice in her head told her to head North). S.A.D.

1 comment:

WonderWheeler said...

That's not your lawn! The first ten feet from the curb there is part of the public right of way.