Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Few Notes

First, got word last night that a downtown restaurant owner got one of their stainless steel tables ripped off from behind their place of business. They took it out back to wash it off, and when they went inside, it was stolen. It is all on video. It was the same dude that comes by every night to collect recyclables. The kicker here is, is that the restaurant owners always separate the recyclables for a convenience that "dude" does not need to go into the trash bin. It was the same "dude" that stole his table all so he can get .40 cents per pound for it. Give certain "vagrants" an inch, and they will know.

I think if you are sleeping UNDER a blanket, that should get outlawed at a park. A regular Enslen "resident" and her beau "sleep" under the blanket everyday, but some fornication or a similar act seems to be prevalent on occasion. This is during the day time!

I have not seen a motorcycle patrol at the parks in forever. I used to be able to rely on emailing Officer Hamilton and these type of habits, such as the "fornication" would end. Is he still around? Chief Harden?

Of course outlawing blanket bingo at the parks would have to fall in line right behind the "mulling" over of city council members for a rental property registry. Great idea, but how in the world would it be enforced?

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