Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ugh, Really?

So Monique and her beau are back.  After a little "hibernation" in jail, (I was told, not too sure), Monique is back at Enslen Park.  And as accustomed to her routine, she gets a "look out" as she goes in the bathroom to do her drugs.  She has some lackey to watch out, and this "lackey" is a dude that told police where she probably was the day she beat up on a 14 year old, and then he goes and warns her! She is done, and "lackey" get a pat on the back. Her stay at the park is minimal as she is too wired to stick around, and there is nobody at the park to start drama with. On to Graceada Park most likely.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Park Clean up

Thanks to Sandy Clark from CANA to get some folks out to do some work at Enslen Park this past Saturday.  I could not make the cleanup/work but I got my brother-in-law and a couple of his buddies to pitch in.  They did some hard work! One of the workers is a homeless gentleman who keeps things in "store" at Enslen.  He was grateful to help out he said.  Hopefully with the work that was done, we can save the redwoods at the park with the incoming irrigation system.

And in some other news, Monique and he beau are back today.  Drama is sure to ensue this afternoon. S**T.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Blue Ribbon keeping it simple

I think the results/findings/suggestions by Modesto's Blue Ribbon Committee on Homelessness is on par.  I agree that sweeping changes or new laws need not be a main focus. How would laws be enforced anyway? For obvious reasons, "efforts to improve park safety and security" is my main concern along with immediate residents.

At this time, the confusion or consternation, lies with the fact that the "city should establish park patrols by working with neighborhood alliances that are looking to hire private security."  Well, that is what CANA has introduced for us residents near Graceada and Enslen Parks.  As noted in the Bee article, Santa Maria, California has a successful program with their park patrol. So, we have a "park patrol", sort of as Rank Investigations patrol the neighborhood and the parks, but they cannot go INTO the park.  My hope is, and I have been told, that the city/Parks/MPD are working on allowing this to happen.  If this is the case, then the "city" has done it's part.  MPD does not need to finance it.  Us neighbors are financing it. If it does NOT happen, then the city with the MPD needs to go back to square one.  It would have to be financed somehow, some way.  It saves money because a park patrol would discourage the vandalism.  It saved Santa Maria $500,000. Right?

Recently, the Parks department has done away with it's graffiti removal.  Instead, us volunteers have to do the painting.  That is fine for us who take care of the immediate parks, but what does it do for all other parks and buildings in Modesto?  Maybe saving the $500,000 that is a service that we can get back.

Dear Mr. Marsh, if you get a park patrol, then the police load lessens. The vandalism starts in the parks (loitering, drinking, methheads) and spreads outward to back ally ways (spelling?) and homes with petty theft and other crimes.  Police that, and the crimes drop.  Is this adding up? Not every park in this city needs a park patrol.  What would it cost to patrol the few parks that need them?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Security Patrol starts

So Rank Investigations has started the area security patrol here in the college area.  Behind the work of CANA (College Area Neighborhood Alliance), the patrol has begun.  I have seen the patrol drive around.  I am wondering if we will get reports as to what has been seen or done? The neighbors are curious what Rank will be able to do in the parks.  A few, like myself, have bought in hoping they can keep a vigilant eye on those who lounge in the park. I am hoping the Parks Dept, MPD, and Rank can come to some agreement.  There were two break-ins or thefts this week alone on Poplar.  Some stuff taken off the front porch is what are the main issues.  

Meanwhile, a "vagrant" was chased out of the park today by an undercover officer in his car (MPD).  As the undercover officer slowly pursued the dude on his bike, the dude started playing "chicken" and taunting the officer in the middle of Stoddard Ave.  The officer "mini-Pit'ed" him, and bam, dude was laid out in the street. 4 MPD came racing down Stoddard to assist I guess (maybe a little over the top).  It was apparent that dude was not going anywhere.  Not sure why he was "escorted" out of the park, but I appreciate MPD checking the park.  Usually they are just asked to leave the park if they are drinking, but maybe he had more than alcohol on him or he committed a crime. I did not see the actual "event", but the two DISH guys working on my satellite saw the event.  I saw the aftermath.