Just keeping tabs on "vagrancy/homeless" issues in our Modesto parks, specifically Enslen Park which I live across the street from.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Nice to see a patrol car at Enslen Park this afternoon. I think a dude was actually handcuffed. I would like to see the MPD do more drive by's of the park. I am talking about when they actually drive onto the park and patrol the area. Maybe they do and I miss them, but an every few hours or so would be nice.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Vagrant issues vs. Activities

So now that my Happy Hour adult kickball league is over, there were issues that still need to be addressed. So we were out there for 5 consecutive weeks on Sunday nights. Modesto Parks director Julie Hannon has talked about the city needing activities to keep the park "vibrant". Activities shoo the vagrancy. Well, sort of. In our 5 week long play we had the following issues:
- Cops were called to quell a potential fight among groups of vagrants
- One week, the restrooms were locked up due to vandalism. Sort of tough when I promote "clean restrooms for the ladies"
- We all noticed as we kicked wayward kickballs into the adjacent trees, that the vagrants like to store their "stuff, or crap" within the trees as sort of their own storage lockers. We could have our own episode of "Storage Wars" just within the trees, nooks and crannies of Enslen Park. (As we progressed into the season, the stuff started to disappear)
- Just yesterday as a kickball player went to use the men's room he noticed before him a woman follow a man inside the mens restroom and as he entered, the women came out of the restroom with a wad of cash in her hand. He then left the restroom, and she went right back in to "finish the business".
Again, we did our part by painting the women's restroom and the stands adjacent to the ball field that was covered in graffiti with paint provided by the city. Before we have another event, I just hope that all of you reading this work on these issues plaguing our parks! You do so, you get my vote.
Park Feedings Get Messy

So the other day someone dropped off a box of whole roasted chickens from a local supermarket. You can see by the photos, that those who dropped them off, never bothered to wait and clean up after the messes. Shortly after taking these photos, another group came by and handed out more meals. Eventually, somebody did clean up all the wayward chickens later in the evening. However it just was not chickens, as you can see by the cigarette butts, as the whole area was just trashed!
Monday, July 11, 2011
How about some good news!

Monday, July 4, 2011
When Vagrants attack!
As emailed to me:
"I was sweeping up around the dumpster this morning. The vagrants had removed trash from the dumpster and tossed it on the ground. Another vagrant came up the alley following a divining rod and talking out loud. He walked around me, maintaining a safe distance. He stopped, turned to face me and announced that he was going to f**** me up if I did not give him some money. I dropped the dustpan and told him to bring it on. That surprised him and he turned and scurried away. I think the whole divining walk and talk thing was an act.
Sure wish the vagrants' protectors could experience them the way I do."
m alexander
Sure wish the vagrants' protectors could experience them the way I do."
m alexander
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